Last Update 11/02/2022
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Birds of Curacao - a film by Carmabi
Birds of Curacao - a film by Carmabi

The movie 'Birds of Curacao' is a beautiful movie about the rich birdlife, specifically the water birds of the Caribbean island Curacao. Whether you are an enthusiastic bird spotter, tourist, nature lover, mountainbiker or just like to get to know the bird names that go with their sounds in your garden; this movie is worth watching. The movie is in English with Papiamentu subtitles.

The position of Curacao in the Caribbean makes our bird world very interesting. There are sea birds (frigate birds, terns, seagulls), but also birds that can travel long distances and settled on almost all the islands (herons, mocking bird, troupial and fly catchers) Because we are close to the coast of South America, we also have typical land birds (quails, white tailed hawks and bare-eyed pigeons). Besides the birds named before, we also have the typical colorful 'tropical/ Caribbean' birds such as the hummingbird, parrots and parakeets. Also birds who travel on the large routes from North to South America are regular visitors of the island.

Birds of Curacao - a film by Carmabi
Birds of Curacao - a film by Carmabi

The movie 'Birds of Curacao' is a beautiful movie about the rich birdlife, specifically the water birds of the Caribbean island Curacao. Whether you are an enthusiastic bird spotter, tourist, nature lover, mountainbiker or just like to get to know the bird names that go with their sounds in your garden; this movie is worth watching. The movie is in English with Papiamentu subtitles.

The position of Curacao in the Caribbean makes our bird world very interesting. There are sea birds (frigate birds, terns, seagulls), but also birds that can travel long distances and settled on almost all the islands (herons, mocking bird, troupial and fly catchers) Because we are close to the coast of South America, we also have typical land birds (quails, white tailed hawks and bare-eyed pigeons). Besides the birds named before, we also have the typical colorful 'tropical/ Caribbean' birds such as the hummingbird, parrots and parakeets. Also birds who travel on the large routes from North to South America are regular visitors of the island.

Growing Corals – Our Approach to Restore Coral Reefs Around the World
Growing Corals – Our Approach to Restore Coral Reefs Around the World

Our planet is rapidly changing, and corals are dying worldwide. To counteract the decline of our oceans’ most valuable ecosystems, we develop sound scientific techniques and methods to restore coral reefs on larger scales. Each year, SECORE is rearing thousands of baby corals and we are working hard to do more! Each of these young corals is genetically unique and some may be capable of adapting to the conditions coral reefs are facing today. One day, if all goes well, our baby corals may grow into healthy adult coral colonies. Our short film, “Growing Corals”, takes you on a journey to experience what it takes to grow coral babies, to restore degraded reefs and to give corals around the globe a fighting chance to survive.

A Reef Patrol Production for SECORE International. To learn more about our novel reef restoration approach visit or follow us on social media:


Expedition Reef for Educators | California Academy of Sciences
Expedition Reef for Educators | California Academy of Sciences

Embark on a journey into the hidden world of coral reefs in this HD film exploring some of our planet’s most biodiverse—and critically threatened—ecosystems.

Find more free educational resources at
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The California Academy of Sciences is a renowned scientific and educational institution dedicated to exploring, explaining, and sustaining life on Earth. Based in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park, it's the only place in the world to house an aquarium, planetarium, rainforest, and natural history museum—plus cutting-edge research programs—all under one living roof.

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